Tyrel's Blog

Code, Flying, Tech, Automation

May 26, 2023

Set Environment Variables with LastPass

I have to use LastPass at work, and I store some API keys in there. Rather than copy/paste and have the actual api key on my terminal, I like to use read -rs ENV_VAR_NAME to set environment variables, so they are hidden from scrollback.

Recently my coworker set something up that we need an environment variable set up for running some Terraform commands. I don't feel like pasting it in every time from LastPass, so I figured out how to set this up and automate it. I'm sure I've already talked a lot about how I love direnv and I maintain a lot of different .envrc files for work things. For my last team I had one per repo! Well direnv comes to the rescue again.

  • The first step is installing the lastpass-cli.
  • Then you need to set it up so you log in, how you do that is up to you. I have lpass checking status, and if it exits nonzero, then running lpass login again in my direnv.
  • After that you can use lpass show and capture that in a variable to export your API key as an environment variable.
lpass status
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    lpass login email@address.com
export API_KEY=$(lpass show "Secret-Name-Here" --password)

Example .envrc file.

I love automating things, and when a coworker says "oh no we have to do this"... I run to automate it!

 · · ·  bash  automation  work

Jan 31, 2023

6502 NES Course by Pikuma

As I mentioned in my December post I'm doing a 6502 course on Pikuma.

I'm about 75% of the way done, and I think I need to circle back to some earlier stuff about how the PPU works, but it's super fun.

Over the holidays I was able to stop at my father's and pick up my old NES. I swapped out the ZIF connector for a new one, and cleaned up some contacts on the RCA ports, and it works great! Once I found out that it was working - I played Sesame Street ABC 123, as that's the only one I had up in my office - I ordered an EverDrive N8. That came last week.

The pictures are tall due to how I took them, so sorry I'll attach them at the end of the post.

Once I got the EverDrive N8 I made sure it worked by playing a Battletoads ROM. Battletoad tested - I then copied Atlantico.NES to my Everdrive. Atlantico is the game that Gustavo is walking us through making in the current part of the course - not a real published game. I loaded it up and HOLY COW - something I actually wrote in Assembly is running on real hardware.

If you want to watch the video, it's very simplistic at the 75% mark, this was before the Collisions chapter, and no sound yet.

The feeling of getting something running, locally, and seeing it working on screen, despite being a programmer for ~~20 years, is AMAZING. Writing code that executes on the system you grew up playing the early 90's, wow.

I do wish the CRT TV my wife had was square, things get cut off on it. I even got a remote, so I could try to fix that in the menu, alas, only picture option is brightness. (Not that I realistically thought I could scale it, CRT Pixels are only Pixels.

 · · ·  6502  assembly  NES

Jan 10, 2023

Dotfiles - My 2022 Way

New Year's eve eve, my main portable computer crashed. Rebooting to Safe mode, I could mount this MacBook's hard drive long enough to SCP the files over the network to my server, but I had to start that over twice because it fell asleep. I don't have access to rsync in the "Network Recovery Mode" it seems - maybe I should look to see if next time I can install things, it's moot now.

I spent all January 1st evening working on learning how Nix works. Of course, I started with Nix on macOS (intel at least) so I had to also learn how nix-darwin works. I have my dotfiles set up to use Nix now, rather than an INSTALL.sh file that just sets a bunch of symlinks.

I played around for a litle bit with different structures, but what I ended up with by the end of the weekend was two bash scripts (still working on makefile, env vars are being funky) one for each operating system rebuild-macos.sh and rebuild-ubuntu.sh. For now I'm only Nixifying one macOS system and two Ubuntu boxes. Avoiding it on my work m1 Mac laptop, as I don't want to have to deal with managing synthetic.conf and mount points on a work managed computer. No idea how JAMF and Nix will fight.

My filetree currently looks like (trimmed out a host and a bunch of files in home/)

├── home
│   ├── bin/
│   ├── config/
│   ├── gitconfig
│   ├── gitignore
│   ├── gpg/
│   ├── hushlogin
│   └── ssh/
├── hosts/
│   ├── _common/
│   │   ├── fonts.nix
│   │   ├── home.nix
│   │   ├── programs.nix
│   │   └── xdg.nix
│   ├── ts-tl-mbp/
│   │   ├── brew.nix
│   │   ├── default.nix
│   │   ├── flake.lock
│   │   ├── flake.nix
│   │   ├── home-manager.nix
│   │   └── home.nix
│   └── x1carbon-ubuntu/
│       ├── default.nix
│       ├── flake.lock
│       ├── flake.nix
│       ├── home-manager.nix
│       └── home.nix
├── rebuild-macos.sh
└── rebuild-ubuntu.sh

Under hosts/ as you can see, I have a brew.nix file in my macbook pro's folder. This is how I install anything in homebrew. In my flake.nix for my macos folder I am using home-manager, nix-darwin, and nixpkgs. I provide this brew.nix to my darwinConfigurations and it will install anything I put in my brew nixfile.

I also have a _common directory in my hosts, this is things that are to be installed on EVERY machine. Things such as bat, wget, fzf, fish, etc. along with common symlinks and xdg-config links. My nvim and fish configs are installed and managed this way. Rather than need to maintain a neovim config for every different system, in the nix way, I can just manage it all in _common/programs.nix.

This is not "The Standard Way" to organize things, if you want more inspiration, I took a lot from my friend Andrey's Nixfiles. I was also chatting with him a bunch during this, so I was able to get three systems up and configured in a few days. After the first ubuntu box was configured, it was super easy to manage my others.

My home/ directory is where I store my config files. My ssh public keys, my gpg public keys, my ~/.<dotfiles> and my ~/.config/<files>. This doesn't really need any explaination, but as an added benefit is I also decided to LUA-ify my nvim configs the same weekend. But that's a story for another time.

I am at this time choosing not to do NixOS - and relying on Ubuntu for managing my OS. I peeked into Andrey's files, and I really don't want to have to manage a full system configuration, drivers, etc. with Nix. Maybe for the future - when my Lenovo X1 Carbon dies and I need to reinstall that though.

 · · ·  dotfiles  macos  linux  nix  ubuntu

Nov 04, 2022

Office Meeting Sensor


This post is ported over from my wiki, so the format isn't as storytelling as a blog post could be, but I wanted it here.

Home Assistant Parts

Third Party Plugin Requirements

Zoom Plugin

I followed the Read Me from https://github.com/raman325/ha-zoom-automation#installation-single-account-monitoring and set up a Zoom Plugin for my account, that will detect if I am in a meeting or not.

Pi Zero

I have a tiny project Enclosure box that I dremeled a hole for the GPIO pins in the cover and I then sandwich the Blinkt onto the Pi Zero with another dremeled hole running to the micro usb power, and that's it for hardware.

For software, I installed the python packages for Pimoroni and Blinkt, which came with a lovely set of sample projects. I deleted everything except the mqtt.py file, which I then put my Mosquitto server settings.

I then added a new service in systemd to control the mqtt server

Description=Meeting Indicator

ExecStart=/usr/bin/python2 /home/pi/mqtt.py


Pleased with the results, and testing by sending some messages over mqtt that changed the color, I then dove into Node-RED


This is my first project using Node-RED, so I'm sure I could optimize better, but I have two entry points, one is from running HomeAssistant app on my mac, which gets me sensor data for my webcam, and the other is the aforementioned Zoom Presence plugin I created. These are Events:State nodes.

When either of these are True, they call first my ceiling light to turn on, which next will then add a msg.payload of


as one string. This leads to a Split, which will in turn, emit a new MQTT message for each line (I split on \n) and turn on all 8 LEDs as red. This is inefficient because I am still using the sample code for the blinkt which requires you to address each LED individually, my next phase I will remove the pin requirement and just have it send a color for all of them at once, one line.

When either of the sensors states are False, I then flow into a Time Range node, in which I check if it's between 9-5 or not. If it is, then I turn all the LEDs Green, and if it's outside 9-5 I just turn the LEDs off. I do not turn OFF the overhead light, in case it was already on. I don't care about the state enough.

I also intentionally trigger at the Office Hours node, which will inherently turn the Green on at 9:01am, and off at 5:01pm. As well as turn on Red for any long standing meeting times I have.


Screenshot of Nodered, with the flow of control for turning on the lights.
wall mounted enclosure with a strip of LED lights.
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