Articles tagged with cli

Finished my GitHub CLI tool

I never intended this to be a full fleshed CLI tool comparable to the likes of the real GitHub CLI. This was simply a way to refresh myself and have fun. I have accomplished this, and am now calling this "Feature Complete". You can play around with it yourself from the repository on gitlab.


With that accomplished, I then added pytest-cov to my and was able to leverage some coverage checks. I was about 30% with the latest changes (much higher than anticipated!) so I knew what I wanted to focus on next. The API seemed the easiest to test first again, so I changed around how I loaded my fixtures and made it pass in a name and open that file instead. In real code I would not have the function in both my test files, I would refactor it, but again, this is just a refresher, I'm lazy.

I decided earlier that I also wanted to catch HTTP 403 errors as I ran into a rate limit issue. Which, I assure you dear reader, was a thousand percent intentional so I would know what happens. Yeah, we'll go with that.

Py.Test has a context manager called pytest.raises and I was able to just with pytest.raises(httpx.HttpStatusError) and check that raise really easily.

The next bits of testing …

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