Articles tagged with go

Advent of Code 2022 + End of Year Updates

Advent of Code this year is kicking my butt so I haven't been doing any tech blogging really lately. If you want to follow my progress, I think I might be done as of day 15 - This one seems to be a traveling salesman/knapsack problem related. Here's my repo:

I'm not on the computer that runs it, but I've been spending a lot of time playing with Apple's System7 in the BasiliskII emulator. Might have some fun projects with that coming up, but wanted to do some more learning before I start anything. So I have been going through a course on 6052 Assembly programming for the NES, and I'm about 73% done with that, it's really great!

It's By Gustavo Pezzi at Pikuma, if "oldschool" programming floats your boat then I definitely recommend it. It's all programming through making roms with CC65/CA65 assembler, and using FCEUX to see your results, super neat.

I've been picking up some more Go work at work. My current team is sort of disbanding so I'm going to be moving away from doing just Python. It's been a year since I've done Go stuff, since I left Tidelift, so I'm really rusty.

Speaking of Rust, I was trying to do Advent of code in Rust also, and made it TWO whole days in Rust. It's still on my bucket of stuff to learn, but my free time seems to be running out lately, and I have a lot of things on my plate to get done.

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