2024 Year in Review
I guess the hip thing to do, is write a year in review.
2024 I have been pretty MIA from blogging. I didn't really have much tech to say, but I wanted to make a few posts every six or so months, just to let my friends know I'm still here.
This year has been a lot about self growth, with learning my parenting style, learning what I don't like about jobs, and more. I also spent a lot of time reading this year. As of Dec 21st, I have read 103 books, with still a little bit more to go. I think my yearly goal of 80 books is pretty sustainable.
Tech wise, I have moved all my hosting from DigitalOcean to Gitlab as a static site. This includes my blog that you're reading, the landing page, my old flight blog (that I might merge into this blog some day) and my linktree. This is free, and I don't have to pay digitalocean anymore. You can find how I strucuted all of that here: https://gitlab.com/Tyrel/tyrel.gitlab.io/
Work wise, I left REDLattice. I put in a year there, but it definitely was not the right place for me. I will not speak more on this topic again. Now that I'm at MangoVoice I'm loving it though. I'm still new enough to be onboarding, but good enough to be on call some times - even if that's the least enjoyable aspect of work.
Astrid is doing well, she's talking up a storm, sometimes complete sentences, but very understandable. I can't belive in March she'll be TWO already, so exciting. I love that Lauren is a stay at home mom, but I will be very excited when we put her in preschool, or school in the future. I'm looking to get back some of that quiet time in the house.
This year hasn't been a big exercise year, I haven't run much, despite another 5K on the runway at PTI coming up. Biking has kind of slipped off - but I did get a big bike trailer for Astrid to ride in and she seems to enjoy that.
Not sure what's going to happen next year, but it's been a quiet year for me really. I still haven't flown since 2021, so def retiring the flying blog was a good choice for now. Maybe I'll get my next ham radio license, study for that test. Who knows!
Until next time.